Publish Agent Components to the UI

Once you have created new agent components in the SDK or configured existing algorithms and models, you can publish them with a simple CLI workflow to make them available in the UI to drag and drop into agent designs.

Agent components are published into . They will then be available to use for all the agents you create for that project.

Publish Skills and Selectors

  1. Log in to Composabl: composabl login.The system will redirect you to the UI to enter your credentials and log in.

  2. Return to the command line and navigate to the folder containing the skill or selector you want to publish.

  3. Publish the skill or selector: composabl skill publish or composabl selector publish.

  4. Select your organization from the dropdown menu.

  5. Select your from the dropdown menu. Save your new skill or selector there.

  6. Your skill or selector will begin publishing. When the process is complete, go to the UI, navigate to the Agent Builder Studio, and refresh your browser to see your new skill or selector in the sidebar.

Publish Perceptors

  1. Log in to Composabl: composabl login.The system will redirect you to the UI to enter your credentials and log in.

  2. Navigate to the perceptors folder (one level above the individual perceptor folder).

  3. Publish the perceptor: composabl perceptor publish perceptor_name

  4. Select your organization from the dropdown menu.

  5. Select your from the dropdown menu. Save your new skill or selector there.

  6. Your skill or selector will begin publishing. When the process is complete, go to the UI, navigate to the Agent Builder Studio, and refresh your browser to see your new skill or selector in the sidebar.

Last updated